全聯佩樺圓夢社會福利基金會113年暑假大專院校服務性質社團支持補助計畫申請,收件至4/10(五)17:00截止 | Please click-in for English version

全聯佩樺圓夢社會福利基金會大專院校服務性質社團支持補助計畫申請,請欲申請經費之社團於4/10(三)下班前填寫相關資料,以便統一申請學校公文,公文將以email提供給申請社團之聯絡人,於4/15(一)前至「青春有夢 投愛偏鄉」平台線上申請經費,並上傳學校公文,逾時不接受申請。



"PX Mart Welfare Foundation 113 Winter Vacation Service-Oriented Student Club Support Subsidy Program Application" - Deadline for submissions is April 10th at 17:00.

"PX Mart Welfare Foundation College Service-Oriented Student Club Support Subsidy Program Application" - You must apply for funding online through the "青春有夢 投愛偏鄉" platform and upload the school document by April 15th.
Please upload a copy of the school document for your application by November 10th. The document will be provided to the contact person of the applying club via email, and then you should re-upload the document to the PX Mart Welfare Foundation application system. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Form Link: https://forms.gle/7hcYi2JLqTbrFW9n6
Subsidy Program Details: https://www.phdf.org.tw/project/10
Subsidy Website: http://youthdream.phdf.org.tw/project
瀏覽人次 20